
23 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

McLarens is one of the last circuses in the country that uses performing animals and their arrival in the Western Cape has attracted criticism. Animal rights campaigner Toni Brockhoven is calling for the practice to end, but the owner refutes any wrongdoing. EWN gets exclusive permission to film behind the scenes.

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Produced by: Aletta Harrison

75 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

Circus Russian in Moscow «Эпицентр Мира» 07.07.2018

15 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

Book tickets at http://www.zipposcircus.co.uk/ British ringmaster Norman Barrett has been inducted into the International Circus Hall of Fame, one of the circus world's highest honours.

The announcement was made at the Hall of Fame's annual Circus Greats awards dinner and induction ceremony in Peru, Indiana in the US on July 23.

Barrett, now 75 years old, said: "I am honoured and delighted to receive this accolade both for myself and for British circus in general. I'm fortunate that I love what I do. I love every performance and never get bored because the audiences are always different."

The accolade comes a year after the Blackpool-based ringmaster was awarded an MBE.

Barrett first appeared in the ring at the age of 12 in Harry Cody's Circus, working with Cody as a clown. His career includes 25 years at Blackpool Tower Circus -- 17 of them with Charlie Cairoli -- six at Blackpool's Superdome and two with New York's Big Apple Circus. He has been ringmaster with Zippos Circus since 2001, where he also presents his signature budgerigar act.

The Hall of Fame was established in Sarasota in 1957 and moved to Peru in 1985. Inductees' circus achievements must be "stellar, inspirational, unique and legendary".

20 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

When these celebrities learned what really happens to animals used in circuses, they knew that everyone needs to be aware of the true terror that occurs behind the scenes at animal circuses. See more:

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PETA's mission statement is that animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way: https://www.peta.org/about-peta/
The website the meat industry doesn't want you to see: https://www.meat.org/
How to go vegan: https://how-to-go-vegan.peta.org/
PETA Saves: https://spotlight.peta.org/petasaves/
PETA: https://www.PETA.org/
FAQs: https://www.peta.org/about-peta/faq/

20 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

Сircus show content
0:24 monkey and balloon
1:46 monkey and dogs
2:11 Performers are acrobats
3:55 virtuosity obrruchom
5:53 Acrobats on horseback
7:53 Masterly juggling
11:08 Grand show bears on the buffalo
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Subscribe instagram https://www.instagram.com/videoeffekt/

13 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

Alex and Kate Lacey train lions, tigers and a host of other animals with the famous Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus.

18 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

Throughout history, circuses were an indispensable part of the entertainment sources. Everybody, from young to old, could get fascinated by performers and circus shows that took place in the signature tents. Nowadays, circuses are perceived more as an art rather than a show as people who are performing in and creating such shows are real magicians. For the talent and abilities they manifest and the fantasy they possess, we all are very grateful and absolutely amazed by it.

We are glad to present to you seven of the best circuses in the world that are rolling shows now to praise their work. You may be delighted by the performances of talented acrobats, funny clowns, gifted musicians and dancers, skilled jugglers and magicians.

Ref: https://airflyby.com/circuses-around-the-world/

16 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

The Zoppé Circus is an Italian family tradition like no other. With a profound dedication to preserving his family’s art form, lead clown Giovanni Zoppé—along with his son, his sisters and their husbands—performs the same acts that his familial predecessors have been perfecting for more than 175 years. Zoppé, who leads the performance as Nino the Clown, is now grooming his son for a life in the ring. For the Zoppés, circus is synonymous with family.

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This story is a part of our Human Condition series. Come along and let us connect you to some of the most peculiar, stirring, extraordinary, and distinctive people in the world.

Got a story idea for us? Shoot us an email at hey [at] GreatBigStory [dot] com

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7 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

A recent undercover investigation by The HSUS in Oklahoma confirms that circuses have earned the reputation as the cruelest shows on earth due to the use of violent training methods, constant confinement and neglect of animals.

Some circuses are eliminating elephant and other wild animal acts, while others have simply closed down. However, Shrine Circuses, Carson & Barnes Circus, Carden Circus, Kelly Miller Circus, UniverSoul Circus, and others continue to exploit animals for “entertainment,” despite plenty of evidence that the animals suffer.


14 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

We do a lot of countdowns here at the Brilliant, but rarely do we do a countdown as disturbing and saddening as this one. It’s important for people to be aware of the atrocities certain animals are victims to. Have you ever seen the conditions circus animals are subjected to? What about animals living in certain zoos. If you want to see how far the cruelty of humans can go, you need to see this, as we look at the dark side of circuses and zoos.

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Watch our “15 Paradoxical Hybrid Animals Created By Scientists That Are Unbelievable”
video here: https://youtu.be/7a_AVhNDobQ
Watch our “Exclusive And Exotic Reptiles That Exist In The World”
video here: https://youtu.be/x1J8k8DXAQI
Watch our “Animals That Will Surprise You With Their Weird Etiquette And Strange Abilities”
video here:https://youtu.be/NxNJL5YMWjk

Miserable Lives Of Animals At The Circus

When circuses are touring, animals are forced to live in collapsible, temporary accommodations, and welfare is inevitably compromised. An investigation of Peter Jolly's Circus winter quarters reveals that life is just as miserable for circus animals when they are not touring. The bottom line is cash for these businesses, and they shouldn't be allowed to exist if they treat animals this way. Activists protested at the Alveley and Wombourne shows in April 2019 as staff intimidated and disrupted the event. Peter Jollys Wild Animal Circus has been enslaving and torturing animals for generations with their insistence to force sentient beings to perform unnatural and ridiculous tricks. They also keep the animals in cruel living circumstances which are anything but natural to the creatures kept in Peter Jollys Circus captivity.

The animals are tied in sheds for the winter and tortured by staff, then during touring months, forced to travel most days and perform repetitive acts twice a day. This is not natural, and they deserve to be free! This footage was filmed by Animal Defenders International and reveals the dismal daily lives of the last big cats performing in a British circus. There was no respite for the lions and tigers owned by Thomas Chipperfield, who trucked up to Scotland on a grueling 24-hour journey at the end of the Peter Jolly's Circus 2014 tour. The big cat trainer has since gone it alone, presenting 'An Evening with Lions and Tigers' which was met with widespread opposition during its 2015 season in Wales. The circus withdrew its application to tour England after an inspection found the animals' living conditions to be woefully inadequate.

The Dark World Of Captive Wildlife Tourism

Wildlife tourism is a massive industry. People go on vacation and pay money to either view or interact with animals. I don’t think we can ignore the role that social media plays. The sheer number of people now, not only posting their travel experiences but consuming others’ travel experiences means that these things are spread in an instant with the click of a button. But the issue with wildlife tourism is most people have absolutely no idea what goes on behind the scenes. There are hot spots around the world where this industry is a big part of the economy. But what you think is going on, and what’s really going on will leave you perplexed, to say the least. Especially in Thailand.

This is a place that puts on monkey shows, and as you can see behind this woman, this monkey is in a small metal cage, and you can see he’s jumping over and over. This is called zoochosis. Animals that are kept in captivity do this when they’re in psychological distress. This next sequence takes place on the top floor of a zoo at a shopping mall in Bangkok. Animals are living in conditions that no living being should be living in. The only gorilla in Thailand is apparently living at this zoo. The gorilla is reaching its hand through the cage onto a puddle on the concrete floor scooping up fingerfuls of water. It seems it’s the only way he can have access to drinking water. During a show, the crocodiles are constantly dragged around by their tails with the trainers smacking them on the head with sticks, and the entire crowd laughs. It’s designed as a comedy routine.

For copyright matters please contact

Background Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

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6 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

Kristin Finley had a comfortable life in Los Angeles with a stable job, a decent salary and solid benefits. But everything changed when she took her first trapeze class. In fact, she loved it so much that she decided to—quite literally—run away and join the circus. Now, she's living her dream at dizzying new heights.

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This story is a part of our Human Condition series. Come along and let us connect you to some of the most peculiar, stirring, extraordinary, and distinctive people in the world.

6 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

Flying Trapeze Heroes
''Flying Harlequins''
15th Moscow International Circus Festival september 2016.
Nikulin Moscow Circus.
Silver prize award.
Воздушный полет "Герои''
"Летающие Арлекины'' - 15й Международный Цирковой Фестиваль в Москве сентябрь 2016.
Московский Цирк Никулина На Цветном Бульваре.
Серебряный Слон.

6 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

Attack of animals in Circuses || The greatest show in the world

4 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

Logistics and build-up (under tropical conditions) of Circus Renz Berlin - currently the largest circus in The Netherlands.
Location: Zuiderhaaks, Julianadorp (Den Helder), Holland.
Dates: July 17, 18, 19 and 20
Trucks: 10
Tent: 4-masts, 1200 seats.
Crew needed to build-up, pull-down and transport: 12
Building time: 12 hours (tent only), 16 hours including annex and front.
Shot and published with the consent of the Renz family.

Transport en Opbouw van Circus Renz Berlin.
Transport und Aufbau Zirkus Renz Berlin.
Arrive et Installation du Cirque RENZ Berlin

Dank aan de familie Renz.

2 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

This was the Awesome show ever you guys and I hope you guys love it too and don't forget to like and subscribe I love this so much. 💕🎪😍

6 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

■2022年6月22日(水) Release
JAPAN 2nd Mini Album『CIRCUS』


■「Your Eyes」先行配信はコチラ

■「MANIAC -Japanese ver.-」先行配信はコチラ

■Stray Kids Official Site:https://www.straykidsjapan.com
■Twitter:Japan Official Twitter:https://twitter.com/stray_kids_jp
■Instagram:Japan Official Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/straykids_official_jp/
■TikTok:Japan Official:https://www.tiktok.com/@straykids_japan
■Stray Kids Official YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCXhj2pPWvONXmvgHX
■Stray Kids Official FANCLUB:https://skz-stayjapan.com/s/n104/page/about_main

初回生産限定盤A : CD+DVD
ESCL-5668~5669 ¥3,800 (税込)
*24P PHOTO BOOK (Type A)
*フォトカードA封入 (メンバー別全8種より1枚ランダム封入)
・Jacket Shooting Making Movie
・Jacket Shooting Making Movie (Relay Cam ver.)
・「Scars」Music Video
・「Scars」Music Video Making Movie

初回生産限定盤B : CD+ZINE
ESCL-5670~5671 ¥3,500 (税込)
*32P PHOTO BOOK (Type B)
*フォトカードB封入 (メンバー別全8種より1枚ランダム封入)
*スペシャルZINE 20P (メンバー手書きメッセージ付)

通常盤 : CD Only
ESCL-5672 ¥2,500 (税込)
*シリアルナンバー1口封入 (初回仕様のみ)
*フォトカードC封入 (メンバー別全8種より1枚ランダム封入)

FC盤 : CD Only
ESC8-100 / ¥2,500 (税込)
*スペシャル両面フォトカード封入 (メンバー別全8種より1枚ランダム封入)

【収録曲 (全形態共通)】
2. Fairytale
3. 蜘蛛の糸 (VENOM) -Japanese ver.-
4. MANIAC -Japanese ver.-
5. Silent Cry -Japanese ver.-
6. Your Eyes


6 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

Dizzying tightrope acts, fearless predator tamers, hilarious clowns: if you want to see for yourself what acrobatic feats humans are capable of, you should definitely drop by a circus! While today's circus acts are always subject to some degree of social change, and more and more showmen are refraining from including wild animals in their programs, things were completely different in the past.


8 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

We’re juggling so much at Great Big Story on any given day. But we always make time for stories about the circus. And, yes, this reel includes a story about juggling. But it’s a kind of juggling you likely haven’t seen before. It’s competitive juggling. It’s juggling for jugglers who can take a few knocks. It’s juggling for jugglers who juggle to win.

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#Circus #Juggle #Lifestyle

This story is a part of our Human Condition series. Come along and let us connect you to some of the most peculiar, stirring, extraordinary, and distinctive people in the world.

Got a story idea for us? Shoot us an email at hey [at] GreatBigStory [dot] com

Follow us behind the scenes on Instagram: http://goo.gl/2KABeX
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10 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

यह वीडियो थोड़ा पुराना जरूर है लेकिन इसे देखकर उन दिनों की यादें ताजा हो जाती हैं जब हमारे शहर प्रतापगढ़ में इक्के और तांगे चला करते थे। उन दिनों हर साल सर्कस और जादू दिखाने वाले कभी राजकीय इंटर कॉलेज तो कभी के पी कॉलेज के मैदान में अपना विशाल पांडाल सजाते। जगह जगह कहीं किसी दीवाल पर तो कहीं किसी गुंटी के बगल या पुल से गुजरते हुए किसी खंबे के पास पोस्टरों में हाथी, घोड़े और अजीबो-गरीब करतब करते हुए लोग नजर आ जाते थे। तब हम अपनी दादी या नानी से जिद किया करते कि हमें भी सर्कस देखने के लिए जाना है। फिर वह इक्के पर बैठना और रास्ते भर अपनी नानी या दादी को परेशान करते हुए कि हमें यह चाहिए वह चाहिए करते हुए सर्कस देखने के लिए पहुंच जाया करते थे। बाहर बड़े-बड़े पोस्टरों पर अजीबो-गरीब करतब करते हुए जानवर और नर्तक को देख कर आंखें आश्चर्य से फटी की फटी रह जाती थी। भूख-प्यास सब भूलकर सिर्फ एक ही बात दिमाक में घूमती थी कि कितनी जल्दी अंदर जाएं और यह सारी चीजें अपनी आंखों के सामने होते हुए देखें। टिकट खरीदने के लिए जब हम काउंटर पर पहुंचते थे तो वहां पर भी हम डर के मारे जिद करते थे कि एकदम आगे वाली सीट नहीं बल्कि पीछे वाली सीट पर बैठेंगे नहीं तो शेर खा जाएगा। इस डर भरे रोमांच में बीता हुआ बचपन शायद इस वीडियो को देखते वक्त एक बार फिर से आपको याद आ जाए। जिनके बचपन में ये घटना नहीं घटी वो भी इस वीडियो को देख कर आश्चर्य से हतप्रभ रह जाएंगे।

'सर्कस (Circus) एक चलती-फिरती कलाकारों की कम्पनी होती है जिसमें नट (acrobats), विदूषक (clown), अनेक प्रकार के जानवर (जैसे टाइगर आदि) एवं अन्य प्रकार के भयानक करतब दिखाने वाले कलाकार होते हैं। सर्कस एक वृत्तिय या अण्डाकार घेरे (रिंग) में दिखाया जाता है जिसके चारो तरफ दर्शकों के बैठने की व्यवस्था होती है। अधिकांशत: यह सब कुछ एक विशाल तम्बू के नीचे व्यवस्थित होता है।

A circus is a company of performers who put on diverse entertainment shows that include clowns, acrobats, trained animals, trapeze acts, musicians, dancers, hoopers, tightrope walkers, jugglers, magicians, unicyclists, as well as other object manipulation and stunt-oriented artists.
A traditional circus performance is often led by a ringmaster who has a role similar to a Master of Ceremonies. The ringmaster presents performers, speaks to the audience, and generally keeps the show moving. The activity of the circus traditionally takes place within a ring; large circuses may have multiple rings, like the six-ringed Moscow State Circus. A circus often travels with its own band, whose instrumentation in the United States has traditionally included brass instruments, drums, glockenspiel, and sometimes the distinctive sound of the calliope.
A variety of animals have historically been used in acts. While the types of animals used vary from circus to circus, big cats, elephants, horses, birds, sea lions, bears, and domestic animals such as cats and dogs are the most common.

The earliest involvement of animals in circus was just the display of exotic creatures in a menagerie. Going as far back as the early eighteenth century, exotic animals were transported to North America for display, and menageries were a popular form of entertainment.The first true animals acts in the circus were equestrian acts. Soon elephants and big cats were displayed as well. Isaac A. Van Amburgh entered a cage with several big cats in 1833, and is generally considered to be the first wild animal trainer in American circus history. Mabel Stark was a famous female tiger-tamer.

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7 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

Please Subscribe To My Channel!
These Russian circus performers push the bar.

5 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

Acrobatic World Circus Show | Famous Chinese Acrobatics Circus Video

3 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

43rd International Circus Festival of Monte-Carlo 2019
43éme Festival International du Cirque de Monte-Carlo 2019
43. Internationales Zirkusfestival von Monte-Carlo 2019
43-й Международный Фестиваль Цирка в Монте-Карло
43. Monte-Carló-i Nemzetközi Cirkuszfesztivál 2019.
43 ° Festival internazionale del circo di Monte-Carlo 2019

Du 17 au 27 Janvier 2019
From the 17th to the 27th of January, 2019
Von 17. bis 27. Januar 2019

Golden Clown
Clown d'Or
Aranybohóc díj
Clown d'oro
सुनहरा लहंगा

Martin Lacey Junior

Grand groupe de fauves:
6 lions blancs, 5 lionnes blanches, 3 lions, 10 lionnes, 1 tigre blanc nommé Zhomart, 1 tigresse golden nommée India

Large group of big cats:
6 white lions, 5 white lionesses, 3 lions, 10 lionesses, 1 white tiger named Zhomart, 1 golden tigress named India

Große Gruppe von Großkatzen:
6 weiße Löwen, 5 weiße Löwinnen, 3 Löwen, 10 Löwinnen, 1 weißer Tiger namens Zhomart, 1 goldene Tigerin namens Indien

Большая группа крупных кошек:
6 белых львов, 5 белых львиц, 3 льва, 10 львиц, 1 белый тигр по кличке Жомарт, 1 золотая тигрица по кличке Индия

Nagymacskák nagy csoportja:
6 fehér hím oroszlán, 5 fehér nőstény oroszlán, 3 hím oroszlán, 10 nőstény oroszlán, 1 fehér tigris Zhomart, 1 arany tigris India

बड़ी बिल्लियों का समूह (6 सफ़ेद शेर, 5 सफ़ेद शेरनी, 3 शेर, 10 शेरनियाँ, 1 सफेद बाघ जिसका नाम ज़ोमार्ट है, भारत नाम की 1 सुनहरी बाघिन)


Grande gruppo di grandi felini:
6 leoni bianchi, 5 leonesse bianche, 3 leoni, 10 leonesse, 1 tigre bianca di nome Zhomart, 1 tigre d'oro di nome India

#FugErikCircusVideo #MartinLacey #CircusMonteCarlo #GoldenClown #Löwen #Lion #Tiger #МонтеКарло #ЗОЛОТОЙКЛОУН

6 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

Filmed inside the Cow Palace, Monday September 1, 2014 - Ringling Brothers Blue Unit.

Ringling Brothers Circus has been caught on video numerous times beating their elephants. They testified in court, that they beat the elephants. These "tricks" are unnatural and painful for elephants to perform. An elephant would never do a handstand in the wild. Its 2014 and we still have animals in severe confinement/captivity, doing ridiculous tricks as entertainment?

You can watch undercover footage here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECspj0daAlE

Learn more here:

5 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

Dear viewers! We inform you that this video was recorded and uploaded to YouTube in 2017. Now there are no animals in the circus and the circus doesn’t use any animals. Thank you.
Please click the bell for a new videos on our channel))
Surprise and delight. Amazing !!!. Enjoy watching.
Circus. The show of different animals. Bisons, kangaroos, ostriches, giraffe.
Thank you for watching. Please subscribe our channel ))

13 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

It’s time for your family to be amazed by all the X-TRAORDINARY things you know and love about America’s favorite live family entertainment experience. Be astonished by UN-XPECTED circus spectacles you’ve never seen before and that can’t be seen anywhere else but at The Greatest Show On Earth®. Get ready for an X-HILARATING adventure with X-TRAORDINARY circus artists and magnificent X-OTIC animals, like our big cats! It’s time to awaken the spirit of Children Of All Ages and stir the imagination of your family!

9 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

This is the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus Xtreme Farewell Season Performance recorded on 02/24/2017 at the Infinite Energy Arena in Duluth, Georgia.

Truly the end of an era, this is the farewell performance of Ringling Brothers Circus after 146 years. I did not wish for such to fade into history with no record.

There is some washout in this recording because of the spotlights, yet such can be compensated for via turning down the brightness and\or gamma correction on the viewer.

Comments are welcome, please do enjoy for the Ages!

11 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

To support my efforts to create more clips please donate to me at www.patreon.com/allinaday. This is a rough cut for the one hour prime time PBS special my team & I produced on PT Barnum and Barnum & Bailey for the series The American Experience. I post in now because some of the footage and still images are wonderful and unique. It took us forever to find these. A rough cut means that it is not a finished film but close to it. #circus #barnum Barnum&Bailey circushistory

11 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

Spectacular moments of Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey Circus 2015 at American Airlines Center, Dallas, Texas. Yes, it is really entertaining and we must salute all the performers who are bringing you the joy at great risks every day. Long live Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey Circus.

10 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

Entire final performance of Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus from May 21, 2017 at Nassau Coliseum.

6 مناظر · پہلے 3 سال

Fondly known by many as The Greatest Show on Earth, Public Voice takes you behind the curtain and explore the History, Success and Decline of the Circus Industry.

Produced and Directed by Gio Torralba
Assistant Director/Head Of Sound - Ellie Shaw
Cinematography- Jake Foster
Camera Operation - Matthew Hesmondhalgh

Norman Barrett (MBE)
Charlie Cairoli Jr
Jose Torralba
David Hibling

Special Thanks to
Stephanie King
Amii Priestely
Hannah Carter
Katie Torralba
Zippos Circus UK
Alfie's Gaffin Shack